Monday, April 22, 2013

End of second week

Most people say that the second week is better than the first. I have found that to be true. I am way less stressed now than before. There was a lot of activity the second week. We are all getting settled down into our class routine and most people are working very hard at completing the writing assignments. Myself included. One of the most difficult things was trying to organize what work was due when. I had a friend recommend an "app for that". I got the app on my phone and input all of my class information and it really helped me feel like I was more in control.

We had Flag Night last week (during week two). There were patches and pins being exchanged like crazy. I took advantage of having my photo taken with the of a UK International student. Thanks Gary from West Yorkshire.

I didn't make it all the way home this past weekend but my husband brought my girls to meet me half way. I really miss them all. We text a lot and do a lot of face time but it is still not as good as seeing them everyday.

We had our first fitness challenge last week, a 1.8 mile road run. I ran mine in18 min and I was very happy with that time. The second challenge is today. Some sort of station challenge. More about that later.

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