Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sixth Week!!! and counting

The sixth week was National Police Memorial Week and was a blur!  I met my family in Roanoke VA which is half way on Sunday, Mother's Day!! I did not make it home that week end because of the DC 5K!  It was nice to spend time with my children and I am lucky that they wanted to meet me half way! They took me to the Olive Garden for lunch!  Courtney brought me some beautiful tulips which she knows is my favorite flowers!!!!
Whitney made me a cake and I took it back with me.  Britney and Ken were happy to see me and they all took me shopping!  It was hard to leave them but I was happy that they drove to meet me! 

Monday night, the entire NA class, (253) was put on a bus and driven to Washington DC for the National Police Memorial Candle Light Vigil. It was awesome and an experience that I will never forget! 
Notice the "Thin Blue Line" in the sky in the above photo!!!

I got cold and woke up the next morning with a head cold that kicked my rear end for about three days.  I wanted to nap all the time, during lunch, on class breaks, and any free time!  It made the week's PT challenge that much more difficult.  It was a cardio mixer. There was about two miles of running with different exercise stations mixed in (lunges, push-ups, etc). I found the down hill bear crawl the most challenging and lost most of my time on that event because my nose continually ran. I'm feeling much better now and my cold was no big deal compared to some others. Several people have been sick.  One classmate, Tony (from Knoxville, who is a friend) got pneumonia during week six and was in the hospital for a few days.  He has returned to class now.

The silent auction was Wednesday night! It was a lot of fun! The group raised over $11,000 for charity. Thursday was "Cop's Kids" Day! This is a great organization that offers support to children of fallen officers across the country.  A group of kids who had a law enforcement parent killed in the line of duty came to the FBI Academy for a day of fun!!! There were several activities for them and we spent the entire day spending time with them.  

Class has been going well. I have learned a lot.  I still have a few papers and projects to finish up but hope to stay on track with that.  I was given permission to miss class on Friday! My middle daughter, Whitney graduated from High School on Friday afternoon, so I drove home after the Cop's Kids event on Thursday.  I am at home now and enjoying a long weekend with my family.  It's hard to believe that Monday is the beginning of week seven.  There are only four weeks left to go and really only three weeks left of classes and PT.  We will wrap up the "Yellow Brick Road" challenge during week nine!
The Graduate: Whitney 

All three of my girls, Courtney, Whitney, and Britney!!!

Courtney the oldest, and Whitney!


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